Search Engine Optimization

Search Engine Optimization

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) helps your website get found by people searching for your type of business. Kelowna is a highly competitive market where your web presence is critical to your success.

Here’s a fact you may not be aware of:

67% of all online searches start with Google. And 72% of all those searches are for a local business or service.

Do you think search engine optimization may be a big deal for your company?


In order to be found by the average searcher, your page needs to rank in the top 1 to 4 pages of the search engine results. Hardly anyone searches beyond page 4. If you’re competing for a highly searched keyword term or phrase, you’ve got a tough job ahead of you.

There are certain on-page factors that can help you reach the top of the search engines:

  • Focus on one or two keyword phrases per page
  • Create title and description tags that match the page keyword
  • Keyword density can make or break your page – and raise you to the top of Google or send you tumbling to the dark nether regions of the search engine results pages
  • Write for people, but keep search engines in mind

As well, there are off-page factors that can help you in your quest to be on page one of Google…

  • WHO you link to – not how many links is critical (and hardly anyone knows the best sites to get links from!)
  • Some social networks work better than others when it comes to getting high quality traffic
  • A carefully crafted article with a call to action can bring massive traffic to your site – when you know which directories to submit it to

Let’s face it, you didn’t get in to business to spend your time doing these chores in front of your computer screen. You want to help your customers… focus on the task of being the best provider in your field… and build your reputation as an honest business person who cares. You don’t want to do SEO if you don’t have to… but you know you need to do it.

Why not let an expert guide you through the complicated process of getting your business found online so you can build your customer base. Having us do your search engine optimization is the first step!

My Kelowna based business has been doing search engine optimization (SEO) for my own sites and others for the past three years. To find out how we can help you, please hit the contact us link.