AWAI Interview

American Writers and Artists Inc called me the other day. They’re doing some promotional work for their product line and wanted to interview former students who’ve gone on to successfully change careers and become working copywriters.

I talked with Guillermo Rubio about all the interesting projects I’d worked on over the last year:

  • The four page flyer that raised over $756,000 in investment capital for a small real estate investment firm…
  • The sales letter for one of the Agora divisions…
  • The number of promotions I’ve done as a staff copywriter…
  • The real estate investing book I ghostwrote for a client in nine weeks (Hint: Give yourself more time than that if you plan to write a book – I was exhausted after that!)…
  • But what Guillermo found most fascinating was the work I’d done to hone my skills as a Pay Per Click copywriter…

He based his entire article on that skill. It’s something most PPC products tend to gloss over. They give some basic copywriting advice about headlines and benefits, but don’t go into detail about what it takes to achieve high click through rates and conversions.

It’s a bit art and a bit science. Mastering it has given me the freedom to create campaigns for myself and my clients. Which, in turn, allows me to participate in affiliate marketing and profit.

You can read the article here: